This is a primary resource compilation of 28 letters Max Ottenfeld wrote home to his family during his tour of duty as part of the American Expeditionary Forces during and after WWI.
The letters depict his experiences, lifestyle and training as a soldier. The letters are to encourage deeper critical thinking about the war and a more effective understanding about the experiences of people during this time in history. Included with the letters are definitions of terms modern-day students may not know, a breakdown of the content of each letter with questions to review and generate conversation, and visual aids. Click on bulleted items below to view.
- Introduction
- Definitions to the letters
- Letter Breakdown
- Letters Section 1
- Letters Section 2
- Questions to the Letters
- A Postcard of a German Tank
- Photo of a Baseball Game
- Photo of Townspeople Cooks
- Photo of Soldiers Digging a Trench
- Photo of Gas Masks
- Photo of Soldiers in Line for Food
- Photo of Soldiers Getting Paid